
Publications scientifiques du projet SEBIOREF

  • Desaegher, J., Sheeren, D., Ouin, A. Optimising spatial distribution of mass-flowering patches at the landscape scale to increase crop pollination. J. Appl. Ecol. (accepté)
  • Uwingabire Z., Gallai N., Del Corso, JP., Ouldanane O. Combining monetary valuation with deliberative valuation of ecosystem services: which interests? Case of insects pollination in the Comminges in France, soumis à  the Journal of Environmental Management.
  • Rivers-Moore, J., Andrieu, E., Vialatte, A., Ouin, A. 2020 Wooded Semi-Natural Habitats Complement Permanent Grasslands in Supporting Wild Bee Diversity in Agricultural Landscapes. Insects 2020, 11, 812. Lien vers l'article sur Research Gate.
  • Fauvel, M., Lopes, M., Dubo T., Rivers-Moore, J., Frison, PL., Gross, N., Ouin, A., 2019 Prediction of plant diversity in grasslands using Sentinel-1 and -2 satellite image time series. Remote Sensing Environment, volume 237 Lien vers le résumé de l'article
  • Carrié, R., Andrieu, E., Ouin, A., Steffan-Dewenter, I. 2017 Interactive effects of landscape-wide intensity of farming practices complexity on wild bee diversity. Landscape Ecology Landscape Ecology 32:1631-1642 Lien vers l'article sur Research Gate
  • Lopes, M., Fauvel, M., Ouin, A., Girard, S. 2017 Spectro-Temporal Heterogeneity Measures from Dense High Spatial Resolution Satellite Image Time Series: Application to Grassland Species Diversity Estimation. Remote Sens. 2017, 9(10), 993; doi:10.3390/rs9100993Lien vers l'article sur Research Gate
  •  Carrié, R., Lopes, M., Ouin, A., Andrieu, E. 2018 Bee diversity in crop fields is influenced by remotely sensed nesting resources in surrounding permanent grasslands. Ecol. Indic. (90):606-614 Lien vers l'article sur Research Gate


Annie Ouin : ouin[a]